Announcement 7 /2024
Muuntaja (Transformer) signs from our warehouse in Vantaa, Finland.

Xpoint Oy’s warehouse in Vantaa has weatherproof Transformer signs made of aluminium and painted according to the colour codes mentioned in the drawing. These signs are packed in five different boxes, four of which contain 250 signs and the remaining 198 in their own box.
The price of the signs is EUR2,43, VAT 0 %, delivery term is EXW Vantaa, Finland. The packing box is always the smallest sales batch. And if requested, we will be happy to negotiate if the entire batch of signs is in your interest.
Xpoint International Oy was founded in 2005 and is a leading company in international trade. The company’s goal is to increase our customer’s market value through procurement services. This will give valuable advantage for our customer in tough global competition.